Tag Archives: presidential candidates

Aquino Challenges Presidential Candidates To Undergo Psychological Testing, Citing Himself As Role Model

Aquino (Photo: Philippine Star)
Aquino (Photo: Philippine Star)

LIPA CITY, Philippines  (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) -President Aquino challenged all presidential candidates yesterday to voluntarily undergo medical and psychological examinations to prove that they are fit to lead the nation for the next six years.  He issued this challenge at the inauguration of the Lipa-Alaminos road in  Batangas.

Aquino said that voters have the right to ask and know about the health conditions of the candidates as the job of a president entails a lot of stress and can be exhausting.

As a tip, he urged voters to elect someone who can survive the rigors of a six-year term and effect meaningful changes within that span of time.

At the same time, he told the candidates that they should not be afraid of undergoing tests.  Having medical or psychological conditions do not necessarily make anyone unfit to  become president.

“Look at me,” the president said, “I miraculously survived 6 years of being president despite consistently failing in my psychological tests.”

Take it from the pro!


Poll: Which Presidential Candidates Should Play Lead Roles In The Senakulo?

L-R: Defensor-Santiago, Duterte, Binay, Roxas, Poe, Dantes

MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) – It’s Holy Tuesday in the Roman Catholic calendar and preparations for the Senakulo (passion play) are at fever pitch.

For the first time ever, presidential candidates in the upcoming Philippine elections will be playing major roles in the play.  Famous actor Dingdong Dantes will play the role of Jesus, but the casting director needs help in determining which roles each of the candidates will play, so he is asking for the help of Filipino netizens.

Who do you want to play the roles of Judas, Magdalena, Pontio Pilato, Magnanakaw?

The play will be held at the Philippine Arena (which, ironically, is owned by Iglesia Ni Cristo) and will be telecast live on CNN Philippines starting at 12 noon on Good Friday.

Please help by participating in the poll below: (you can vote for several candidaters at a time)

Philippine Presidential Candidates Gear Up For Baguio’s Panagbenga Festival

imageBAGUIO CITY, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles) – Some 2.5 Million people are expected to attend this year’s festivities for the annual Panagbenga Festival in Baguio City, the Philippines’ summer capital.

The month-long celebration of the blooming of flowers begins February 1st and will culminate in a grand street parade later in the month.

2016, of course, is presidential election year in the Philippines, and it would unwise for the candidates to ignore this enormous opportunity to campaign.

Today, The Adobo Chronicles has confirmed that all five major presidential candidates will participate in the street parade, and all have chosen their respective costumes and attires for the grand celebration

The five candidates are Vice President Jejomar Binay, former Interior Secretary Mar Roxas (who will be parading with his wife, broadcaster Korina Sanchez), Senators Grace Poe and Miriam Defensor-Santiago, and Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.

While none of the candidates revealed their chosen costume, they allowed us to publish an artist’s rendition of how they will look like in the parade. (See photo)

Who do you think looks the most presidential?