imageSilicon Valley, California – Three of the world’s largest manufacturers of smartphones – Samsung, Apple and Nokia — jointly announced today that they are eliminating the front-facing camera (FFC) feature in all their future products beginning this year.

FFCs are cameras on the front of smartphones and other mobile devices that enable users to take selfies and initiate two-way video chats.

The manufacturers reached this decision after a firestorm erupted on social (and other) media following the announcement by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) that it has officially classified taking selfies as a mental disorder.  APA called it ‘selfitis.’

Speaking on behalf of the three manufacturers, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that “the mobile phone industry has a social responsibility to keep their products health conscious.  We are more concerned about the health of our customers, more than the profits we generate from our gadgets.”

Meanwhile, the APA defended its use of the term ‘selfitis’ to describe the new mental disorder.  Critics have pointed out that ‘itis’ indicates an inflammation, more than an addiction.  APA said that it used the correct terminology because in so many ways, selfitis is an inflammation of the ego.



  1. That’s just plain silly. Ppl can still take selfies with a rear camera. But what about video chat? We use that for business all the time to reduce travel expense, and it also works great for maintaining long-distance relationships. IMHO, this is a way for phone mfrs to reduce costs and simplify engineering. But I bet consumers won’t see any price decrease.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Apple,Samsung,Nokia, You all have taken good decision,,appreciate it
    But please consider my idea of this….”Fix a Front Camera which can only use to make video call”. So the problem of Selfitis can avoided..


  3. What nonsense.. how will facetime will work.. forget abt that.. earlier we had only back facing phone and people still used to take selfies.. this is ridiculous


  4. I would suggest to have the front camera but remove the functionality of taking self pics. The front camera enables users to chat with their beloved ones face to face.

    Ashis Kumar Panigrahy


  5. Do you honestly believe this will solve this problem! I think you are fooling yourselves. Anyone can tell you taking a selfie is easy you just stand in front of a mirror or have the front of the phone at the mirror to view what you are getting. I rarely take a selfie. But there are times when special things happen you want to share, like children in your arms and no one there to take that event and you and a friend are at a place and you want to remember it together, you take a selfie. People that have that problem only need a camera on timer or remote to do this and put it on the web. Those people will always be around, That’s like taking guns away from responsible people because a troubled person goes rogue. That won’t stop anyone nor will taking front cameras away. It won’t solve anything!


    1. Nah!! it looks like that is the ‘actual’ reason behind all this, i.e. to suppress the business of service providers like skype etc, giving a lame reason; too bad that finally its the customers who are paying the price.

      I guess this is the right opportunity for local players(handset makers) to flourish unless there are no ‘dumb’ customers out there who would still want to go for these brands just for the brand name sake in-spite of stripping down the features! first the removal of radio antenna(emitter/receiver) and then the SD/miniSD expansion memory in the name of ‘could storage’ and now this! Thanks to the dumb customers out there(that too in majority), we are now rapidly moving towards stone-age !!!


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