Tag Archives: mestiza


imageManila, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles) – Women the world over would die for the chance to sunbathe in Hawaii, The Caribbean, or the white sandy beaches of the Philippines – from Boracay to Puerto Princesa. They also pay top dollars (or whatever their currency is) to invest in bronzers (think U.S. Speaker John Boehner) or book sessions at tanning salons, ignoring warnings about UV rays-induced skin cancer.

Not so in the Philippines. White is better, especially among women who aspire to be on film, television, or to become beauty queens.

Whitening soaps have become priced items in the Philippines that many local and foreign soap manufacturers have invested millions of dollars to come up with products that promise whiter skin. Fruit-based soaps (papaya, citrus and others) as well as  chlorine-based products have become popular in recent years.

Whitening soaps have also been among the top requests from Filipinas  to their relatives in the U.S. and elsewhere when the latter ship balikbayan boxes back home.

Is this just a temporary trend or a residue from the Philippines’ colonial past?

We encourage our readers to weigh in by commenting.