Tag Archives: birthright citizenship



UPDATE: A second cub was born to Mei Xiang, making two baby pandas that Donald Trump wants to be deported for being ‘anchor babies.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles® ) – At least he is consistent with his views on immigration and birthright citizenship.

Recently, Donald Trump laid out his immigration policy wherein he maintained that children born in America of undocumented immigrants should not be automatically considered U.S. citizens.

And that includes Chinese pandas born in the National Zoo.

Today, the National Zoo in Washington says there’s one more panda in the world after its female giant panda gave birth to a cub on Saturday.

Zoo spokeswoman Pamela Baker-Masson confirmed  that Mei Xiang gave birth to the cub at 5:35 p.m. If the cub survives, it would be the 17-year-old panda’s third surviving offspring. Mei Xiang’s first cub, Tai Shan, was born in 2005. Her second cub, Bao Bao, turns 2-years-old on Sunday.

Mei Xiang is on loan to the zoo from China and is therefore not a U.S. citizen.

Trump believes that in accordance with his immigration view, the newborn panda is an anchor baby and should therefore not be considered an American citizen.

Trump wants Mei Xiang’s entire family to be immediately deported.


Cruz, left, and Trump
Cruz, left, and Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles® ) – If elected president of the United States, Republican candidate Donald Trump says he will deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants now living in the country.  And he wants to do more.

He says he will seek to change the 14th Amendment that gives citizenship rights to all individuals born in the United States, including children of parents who are here illegally.

But Trump will not wait to become president to wage his war against non-citizens.  He says he will ask the Department of Homeland Security to deport Ted Cruz, another Republican presidential candidate.  Cruz was born in Canada.

“Ted Cruz has such a nerve to run for president when he is not even a natural-born citizen,” Trump said.  “At least Barack Obama was able to show his birth certificate evidencing that he was born in America.  But it is an open book that Cruz was not born in this country.”

Trump made the comments during today’s ‘Meet the Press’ on NBC, where he outlined details of his immigration policy.