imageNew York, NY – Sunday night at the Grammys, Queen Latifah officiated the marriage of 34 couples – including same-sex couples – during the performance of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ Grammy-nominated song, “Same love.”

But the story gets better.

During the half-time show at next Sunday’s Super Bowl, Bruno Mars will officiate a same-sex marriage ceremony while performing one of his earlier hit songs, “Marry You.”

Although the identities of the same-sex couple have not been revealed, there is widespread speculation that one of the partners is a gay NFL player.

In the past months, plans by NFL to announce the coming out of several gay NFL players have all but fizzled out. But it appears that this is now the real thing.  What a way to do it- at the Super Bowl nonetheless.

Who cares about the Seahawks and Broncos? Football fans (and non-fans) are more interested in this year’s Super Bowl half-time revelation.


    1. I’m not watching at all. I am so sick of homo agenda in everything… Why do they feel they need to show this to families and good moral people?


  1. I’m not interested in this at all. How is this ok for people to watch but Phil from duck dynasty gets fired for quoting the Bible?!?! I WILL NOT be watching the halftime show. I was looking forward to it until I read this.


  2. Most people do not know that this wedding will be happening. Jesus changed the world with 12 deciples and no phone or internet. Please call 12 people and have them call 12 and we may get the correct response. For I and my sport loving family we will not be watching the NFL if this wedding and mockery of our beliefs are able to be shoved down our children’s throats. Please everyone should call the NFL office.


  3. Its OK when I see it I’ll just tell everyone my opinion of the sick bastards. Nothing changes but I get to voice my opionion


  4. There are other more important matters that should be talked or glorified rather than the union of two homosexual. Your life your decision I just wish they would stop shoving this sort of thing down the publics throat every chance they get


  5. Okay I’m sorry but this is not about loving or hating gays and lesbians and bi’s but its about them shoving this down everyones throat on national TV. I watch the Super Bowl for football… NOT to watch someone get married. I think this is a ridiculous move on the NFLs part and they are going to lose a lot of fans because of it.


  6. This is a joke, plain and simple. There will not be a same sex marriage performed during the Super Bowl half time. This is a satirical site much like The Onion.


  7. “Football fans (and non-fans) are more interested in this year’s Super Bowl half-time revelation.”

    Lmao… really? You truly believe and wrote that? Football fans more interested in halftime than in the superbowl itself? (You wrote this to feel empowered and feel like change is actually coming, i get it, people do it all the time (ex: blogging)) The majority of america is against gay marriage. It’s only the loud people who have a mic and a camera that hate people who believe different, people who are not ok with this event because it fundementally goes against what they believe in… you hate them… hate doesnt start with intolerance.. it starts when anyone forces a belief down someones throat, like this halftime show… whatever though really…. been watching the superbowl for most of my 28 year life and literally cannot think of one time where the group i was with watched the halftime show… youre delusional and cant identify with both sides of PEOPLE, youre just biased.. im biased as well but dont force it upon anyone.. i love people. I love that people are different. I love finding common ground with those that want to argue… gay marraige has been an issue for decades… the left promises rights and the right denies them. But nothing is changing… the candidates dont give a shit.. otherwise we would have seen real change (“hope and change” quote makes me throw up a litte thinking of how badly we were lied to) we are all going in circles arguing abou the same bs all the time.. while our “leaders” just get richer and richer while we bitch and moan and get nothing done…

    Liberty v Tyranny.


  8. If this is the case I won’t be watching halftime show as usual. I don’t agree with this lifestyle and don’t want it shoved down my throat so I will choose not to watch.


  9. Well, I am no longer excited about watching the superbowl! This is so freaking disgusting, and you won’t force it down my familys’ throat! We won’t be watching the superbowl now! We will go to the movies instead and have some real family bonding time! Judgement day is coming when all you liberals who believe in gay rights have to stand before the Lord! It’s coming! Oh you better believe……It’s coming one day!!!


    1. I totally agree. I don’t hate anyone, but I disagree with homosexuals, as long with every other sin. But the world is saying it is okay to be homosexuals, what about our children?


      1. Hey Carlton, you are a sinner, so you must hate yourself. Don’t judge people just because they sin different than you.


        1. Brian Shut up! Carlton just said he disagree’s with homosexuals, along with every other sin. READ and stop looking to be offended..It’s like ya’ll L&G’s & supporters fail to comprehend and read clearly smh!


    2. Amen! if this is true, do you think they would allow lets say a preacher get up and preach at half time? I think not, what is really happening is reverse discrimination. We are called haters because we don’t stand up for gay rights? What happened to the RIGHT to have our opinion as well. Gods Judgment is coming, that’s one thing we can be sure of. No one has the right to, as others have said shove this lifestyle down our throats and then tape our mouth for fear of the masses.


  10. A manly sport like football are you freaking kidding me. I know many many people that are refusing to even watch the Super Bowl now. And I think the ratings will plummet. And I think after this I won’t be going to anymore nfl games or watching on TV .


  11. It is up to us to love all people. It is God who will do the judging. If you truly believe in God truly, you understand this. Love ALL people and the world will change. It may be a slow change, but if you would all just step back and really look at each other, we aren’t that different. We have different beliefs, we have different religions, we have different opinions, nationalities, skin color, backgrounds. But that is what makes us human and unique. Just try to keep hurtful words back, stay calm and love the other person. I’ll bet you will be surprised how peaceful YOUR world will become.


    1. Nana, you are 100% correct in saying that God will do the judging. However, He has clearly stated in numerous verses that this is not in His plan and that this is an abomination. Should we allow people to have sexual intercourse with animals and encourage them to do this openly? Is this okay even if it won’t hurt our personal daily lives? No, absolutely not. I don’t want my children to think that God accepts this and that this is okay. This is not okay.


      1. If you are son concerned that YOUR God will do the judging, then let it judge. In the mean time quit being judgmental yourself, I do believe that is a sin as well. We are all under the same God, whatever one that may be, and if people love each other then they should be able to get married. But as for this halftime show, I disagree that anyone can get married at a half time show…all I want to watch is the game.


        1. Clearly, as stated before Brian. You fail the capability of being able to think correctly. You contradict yourself so much. First you the person by saying “Your God.” and now your are saying we’re all under the same God? It’s obvious that you don’t believe in the true and living, one and only God (Yahweh) He states that homosexuality (along w/ lying, stealing etc) is an abomination!


  12. Some of you know the Devil can quote scripture mighty fine to suit its own agenda. For the guy above who quotes scripture to suit his own agenda you either believe the whole book or don’t quote any of it???


    1. The fact you can make it even half way through Genesis without figuring out it is a work of fiction totally negate any comments or opinions you have on this matter. Kane takes a bride in the Land of Nod? The bible is a very poor work of fiction at best.


      1. Its spelled Cain and it is very real. If you are right then you have lost nothing but if the Word Of The Almighty True Living God is Right then You have lost everything!


  13. Since this is a satire site, I wouldn’t get too emotionally involved, either way.

    Having said this, I do not support “gay marriage”. The term is a misnomer. Also, I don’t hate gays, but do disagree with their thinking that God is okie doke with how they live. Which God, exactly, is this? The One I know spoke against homosexuality.

    Anyway, if this “report” is true, I’ll just tune out.


    1. The fact you can make it even half way through Genesis without figuring out it is a work of fiction totally negate any comments or opinions you have on this matter. Kane takes a bride in the Land of Nod? The bible is a very poor work of fiction at best.


      1. Biblical reasons or not, it’s CLEARLY unnatural to bore out your bunghole and cause the common gay problem of not being as able to hold back your gas or fecal matter! If you think a straight person can shart, try having a loose cornhole! 😮


  14. Not all church allows same sex couples My church dose not allows the same sex couples an will not married same sex couples. an why do get in a uproar is because it is abomination to God To be gay it says it all through the Bible An if you want you can call or text me an I can show you An is call me at 513-393-4422 an to all you gay I hope I offend you to the bone Because I am no star So you can not get me fired So ha ha


  15. I would like to know where the author of this article got his information. I cannot find this claim anywhere else, which makes me think there really isn’t going to be a same sex marriage at halftime…


    1. That’s what they want us to think..they will spring it up on everyone! They know if the world finds out..most people will tune out, which is what they DON’T want!


  16. I will say this. As I sit back and read, not only here, but facebook also. The response I have seen when the grammys had same sex marriage ceremony, many christians went on an uproar about it. I know they will be on an uproar when they see it in the superbowl. My problem is, why should christians complain about something that they have allowed in their church. Many churches have homosexuals playing the organ, singing in the choir and working in different auxiliaries. On top of that, there are pastors, apostles, prophets, evangelist and teachers who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Some of them are undercover and are married to straight people. You cannot complain about something that you allow in your own church. If the pastors allow homosexuals to operate in the church, they will surely be performing ceremonies for them as well. That is very hypocritical of christians. You as christians cannot go to church one minute, and then watch certain programs that promote homosexuality and then get mad about it. If you are against it, then stand for it. dont be hypocritical about it. it really gets on my nerves when christians do that.


    1. There is a big difference between loving the person and loving the act. Jesus told us to love the sinner, not the sin. So while there are churches that have homosexuals involved at the church, that is different than allowing same-sex marriage. We condemn the sin, not the person. Same goes with someone who lies, commits adultery, steals, and any other sin you want to list. In some cases you can help someone who sins and turn from it, but when people make the claim that it is not a choice but they are born that way, then I guess you can’t change them from that. However that doesn’t mean we still can’t love them as a human being.

      What I don’t understand is why homosexuals need to change the definition of marriage in order to get the rights they are looking for. If they want to be together and have those rights, why not change the rights given by civil unions, which I do believe is allowed for same-sex couples every where. By forcing churches to accept same-sex marriage, especially in states that have no discrimination laws, this would force churches to change their values that they have held unto for generations, and if any were to refuse they could be facing lawsuits, fines, and possible forced to close their doors. People want to bring up separation of church and state when Christians voice against same-sex marriage, but if the government forces religious organizations, which includes more than just churches, to accept same-sex marriage, isn’t that the state stepping into the church? Where is the separation there? Separation of church and state was meant for the government not to organize one religion for everyone to follow, like England did before this country was formed in forcing all religious people to follow Roman Catholicism, if I remember right. Of course if this country continues on the path that it is going on anyways, soon no one may have any rights and this country will become a dictatorship.


      1. England did not force everyone to be Catholic. Henry beheaded Catholics who did not pledge loyalty to the Church of England. King Henry VIII started his own religion because the Pope would not grant him a divorce from his first wife, Catherine who was the widow of Henry’s older brother, Arthur.
        He married six times, beheaded two of his wives and was the main instigator of the English Reformation.


    2. MOST churches do NOT allow it. MOST churches love all sinners, since we are ALL sinners, so they treat then kindly and invite them to come in. MOST churches do not allow any leadership position to be held by homosexuals/bi-sexuals, etc. Not that they aren’t capable, but because it goes against one of things the church believes because it is Biblical.


  17. Why oh why do the non-Christians and/or gay community love to toss around the word “hate” so much? When it seems the more hateful responses are coming from them? I am a licensed/ordained minister in one of the major denominations. Our job is to be like Christ and be fishers of men. And when we bring in a catch, it’s not up to us to clean em’ up. That’s our Father’s job, and He’s pretty good at it. We have loads of other people coming through our church doors with other sins, and we just don’t really care. We live kind of a double standard . . .


  18. People just want to watch football. They dont want to even watch a man and woman get married during halftime much less a gay couple. People turn your TVs off or to another channel. Because the ones that pay lots of money for commercials and nobody watches it, then it’s going to make the advertisers upset that nobody saw there commercial.


    1. Well said, Tina! They can do as they please on their own time but I’m not interested in watching ANYBODY’S wedding during halftime of the Super Bowl! It’s not just the men who don’t want to see it!


  19. We watch the Super Bowl and have for years, but the half time programs are getting worse and worse, and I think you have hit bottom when all you can think of as entertaining is to telecast a same sex marriage. Would you do the same with a man and woman marriage. Do you think we really want to watch a marriage at half time. I thought it was entertainment you want to provide and it is getting worse and worse. Throw in a few young kids smoking weed, how about showing some slap cam videos. You executives that try to ram all this crap down our throats make me sick. Well, at half time, we will be watching something else, and as far as the sponsors that are paying big bucks for this, you should be ashamed. Enough of the racial , gay, illegals, crap that is pushed down our throats every day and then to watch something that is the best thing all year, the Super Bowl, and have to see it there. Peyton is probably throwing up right now thinking about it.


  20. We will not be watching the super bowl, and it will NEVER air on our tv again. We must make a stand if we are truly tired of them cramming this sin in our faces. If you are a God fearing person turn off your tv for the Super Bowl.


    1. not everyone believes the same religion that you do. we live in a ‘free’ country where those can practice whatever religion or non religion that they choose why should someone have to alter their life base on your religious beliefs?


      1. @Nicole..I believe the person said if you are a GOD FEARING PERSON turn off the tv for Super Bowl…If you don’t believe in God then by all means watch the super one is telling you to alter your beliefs…I suggest you read and comprehend…& stop looking to be offend..smh


  21. A homosexual wedding during the superbowl is highly inappropriate there will be children watching. What type of example will that set for kids or does that not matter ??


    1. We will be showing them that civil rights issues are still a problem for this ‘great’ country. Children don’t carry who marries who, as long as the two love each other. For those who have been divorced and have children…what a great example that is?!


      1. you are a freaking moron. I will go for it when two women or two men can reproduce and that want happen. It is wrong and not natural and that is what kids of today should be learning.


    2. Yes Clifford, I 100% agree w/ you! This is why we need to teach our children that the ways of this world is soooo corrupt…stay prayed up for this is only the beginning…things are about to get a whole lot worse!


  22. If it was a man an woman getting married at the halftime everybody would love that. They r there own people and can marry who ever the hell they won’t it’s non of anybody’s business if u don’t like it don’t watch it hell just craw back into the dark whole u came out of this is 2014 not 1950.


    1. Eddie, don’t worry we won’t be. What does marriage have to do with football.If people want to be perverted, then they should keep itto themselves. By the way i was born in hospital, probably like you. Also what does the year we are in have to do with anything. I say all this with great respect for you, but maybe there are other threads that you can post on, that are more condusive to your beliefs. Thanks


    2. Eddie, a man and a woman getting married isn’t CRAMMED down our throats like this CRAP is. And please learn to use spell check if you are going to try and insult people. It makes your point seem dumb when it’s not written cleanly.


    3. I don’t care what the gays do I don’t judge them. I’m still friends with them. That’s them. Just stop doing stupid stuff like this. They are a hand full of people who say stuff. There stupid. Just stop putting things on TV. It’s there choice. I don’t care. We should start putting things on TV to not be gay. Well we don’t. So stop this crap. All you are doing is just hurting the NFL. They should drop the camera during that part.


    4. Hey Eddie, why don’t you learn how to spell ? ( hole not whole ) I believe you should crawl back in your closet with your immoral ideas !


  23. There is a time and place for this and the Super Bowl is not it nor is any TV show. I wish the networks would wake up and realize this. Of course all they see is $$$$ signs. Not my dollar because I will not be watching. Have a good day!


  24. This will be the first and last time I watch the Superbowl. It will not be watched in my home or the homes of my son’s. Judgment day is coming and the Devil knows his time is short. The people doing this will find the Lord is fed up with the abhorring way they have been doing and they will be judged harshly.


      1. People like you conveniently leave out the second part of what Jesus said to the woman: “Go forth and sin no more.”


        1. Jesus also asked her if there was anyone left to stone her. The answer was NO! Because NONE of US are without SIN!! So, when you get done being a hypocrite who loves to stereotype and judge everyone else learn how to count because what you said was not the second part.


      2. Nowyouknow….before you try to justify sinful action and school everyone on “judging” others, I suggest that you keep in mind, that Christians think it’s wrong, because God taught us it is wrong, and nature taught us it’s wrong. Being tolerant is not the same as welcoming the behavior in to our lives, to do so would to be a hypocrite. Love the sinner hate the sin, and the sin is being forced on the rest of us. How bout the next big public event, we get some anti-gay KKK member up there to force what he/she believes and see how kind and loving you are about it. Ohhh…I bet you wouldn’t eh?

        Romans 1:18-32
        But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness…. Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles.

        So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.

        That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

        Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. (NLT)


        1. Snydermom, See what happens when Christians think…you get a bunch of hate filled, judgmental, Bigots that are in fact sinning at this very moment. Also, you want to show me where in your post Gods words end and your thinking begins…then I will finish my comment


  25. For all of you hypocrites, wait till judgement day and see where you end up! I highly doubt it will be heaven! You all were fine watching Beyonce’ half naked or Janet Jackson. I’m sure you have all witnessed a wedding proposal or two between a man and a woman at a sporting event and didn’t say a word! You all are spreading hate not love or kindness. You should all be ashamed of yourselves and God himself will tell you that on judgement day. So don’t watch the super bowl, big deal. But I bet 99% of you so called Christians will watch the super bowl anyway. So there is another reason you won’t be going to heaven, because lying is a SIN. JUST SAYING


    1. Your an idiot. Why can’t the queers just be happy and quiet. I don’t care who they love (except children) just stop forcing it on the rest of us. All you sexual deviants will reap what you sew.


      1. Scott, for your information it is you that is the idiot! I’m rather intelligent and have a masters degree in criminal justice. Sorry I had to result to your low level of name calling, I am sure that is very christian like and exactly what Jesus would say in your situation. No one is forcing anything on you as I’m sure no one thought anything was forced upon them every time a straight marriage was broadcast on television, I didn’t see all the negative comments then or anyone suggesting that they be “happy and quiet” as you say. Then you go on to say “all you sexual deviants”. What is up with the stereotyping? Why are you including me in with everyone whom you say is a sexual deviant? You don’t even know me. James 4:11-12 “Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?”
        Scott, you too will also reap what you sew.


      2. nowyouknowthatitstime
        you are real quick to throw Bible versus out their so sound like you know a “little” about the bible so i ask you can you tell me in the Bible where God says its ok to marry the same sex person? in fact (Lev. 18:22) says “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination” (definition of abomination 1.
        anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred. 2. intense aversion or loathing; detestation: He regarded lying with abomination. 3.a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.). Man may laugh at the matters that constitute abomination to God, but such is a repulsive odor in the nostrils of God. More and more today, the “respectable clergy” is found justifying matters such as homosexuality and dishonesty. How sad and contrary to God’s pronouncements! and yes homosexual marriages are being pushed on everyone and we do love everyone, including you, but as you have said judgement is coming and people that try to justify their actions by mis-interpretation or putting their on spin on the Bible will have to answer for that. As far as the half time NFL please stand up and say “NO! NOT HAPPENING HERE)




  27. Hillarious – but not true. Even if it were true, so what? The game is not a biblical issue, if it were, you should have an issue with them working on Sundays. Is it OK to break biblical law for your entertainment, but if you don’t like it, then it is blasphemous? What a bunch of hypocrites.

    By the way – God did not create marriage. It predates the Bible and even existed in civilizations that had never even been exposed to the Christian/Jewish Bible. A marriage is a legal term for the ownership of property (a woman) from one family to another. We still use many of the old practices today (i.e. the father of the bride gives her away, the woman take sthe man’s family name, etc…)


    1. Sunday is actually the first day of the week not the seventh, so they are not working on the sabeth. As for marriage God did create it but it’s actually covenent between one man and one woman under God for life not just for the few years that some people want it to last. So the true act of marriage has nothing to do with property but with the love between a man, woman and God. As a biblical stand point homosexuality (AKA) sodomy is an abomination to God. As for me I am not going to judge any one that is for God to do but the one thing I can’t stand is the way the gay and lesbian community want to shove their lifestyle down our throats. So please get your facts strait before you post. It makes you sound like a liberal dumb*ss


    2. OK, Kelly, a more Christ-like response than Daniel’s would go like this:

      The Eternal God predates the Bible. God, at the time of creation, made one man and one woman. That is the institution of marriage that God fashioned from the beginning. Marriage predates all civilizations. Christians are not insisting on a “Christian” definition of marriage. We are insisting on God’s definition. Christians do not believe marriage was created once the Bible was written. The Bible merely records what God did in the beginning.

      Secondly, the prohibition on working on the Sabbath was a ceremonial law that is not applicable now. So, watching football on Sunday, which is really the first day of the week and not the Sabbath, is not a violation of God’s law. There is a principle of “rest” that we need to observe. We cannot be working all the time, and we must not neglect gathering together for Church, but watching football on Sunday is not a sin.

      Three, Daniel dose have a point in that we are constantly told that what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms in none of our business, and yet, we are constantly required to celebrate what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms. Homosexuality is not about who someone is, as if they are born that way. It is about how someone behaves. People who identify themselves as “homosexuals” are really just letting everyone know what type of sex they enjoy. We don’t need to know what people do in their bedrooms.

      Lastly, God does not condemn sodomy to ruin people’s fun. He wants to keep us from harm. Homosexuality turns men into effeminate weaklings, changing their very nature. It spreads diseases, leads to mental illnesses and increases the risk of suicide. God’s love wants to keep us from the evil consequences of the sin of sodomy. The loving thing is to help people out of the bondage of homosexuality, not to celebrate it.


      1. DogTags, good response, but I’m curious about your view of the Sabbath and Sunday.
        You admit Sunday is not the Sabbath (I agree), but then attribute some Sabbath principles to Sunday. That is, you mention “working” on the Sabbath was ceremonial law that’s now inapplicable, but you hold fast to a Sabbath principle of “rest” on a day (Sunday) that’s not the Sabbath.

        So… a few questions:

        1) If you admit Sunday is not the Sabbath why do you speak of it in terms of Sabbath principles?

        2) You inspired some self reflection on my part to wonder why we would keep Sunday as a Sabbath instead of Saturday, the day we agree is the real Sabbath. After all, one of the commandments is to “remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy.”



        1. We should understand the Ten Commandments as ten sets of commands, not simply as ten distinct commandments. For instance, think of the first commandment as a command to revere the sanctity of God (have no other gods before me); the third as the sanctity of speech (do not take God’s name in vain); the fourth as the sanctity of rest (remember the Sabbath); the sixth as the sanctity of life (do not murder) etc.

          If you take the sixth commandment as the sanctity of life, the prohibition against rape, battery, assault, kidnapping, etc. are subsumed in the prohibition against murder. The seventh commandment against adultery also includes a prohibition on lusting. (Jesus said “If you look on a woman to lust after her you have committed adultery in your heart.”)

          The fourth commandment subsumes the ceremonial laws, including no work on the Sabbath. With the perfect sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, the ceremonial laws were fulfilled. The principle of Sabbath rest remains because God did rest, but the mandate of rest does not remain. Our observance of a day of “Sabbath” rest was transferred to Sunday by the early Christians because it was the day Jesus rose from the grave. But, Sunday is not the mandatory day of observance. Paul wrote that some revere the Sabbath (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday), others Sunday, while some treat them all alike. We are not to neglect the gathering together of the saints, which means we should attend Church because it is in church where we will be discipled and kept from error.

          So, while we are not commanded to attend church every Sunday, it is a good idea because it gives us a chance to rest and helps keep us from doctrinal error.


        1. God created male and female. When God created them he made them “straight.” So, the natural, inherent “orientation” is male and female. Out of man’s sinfulness and disobedience came the desire to destroy God’s natural order. As men left the natural attraction for the female the sinful nature became inclined to desire evil. Now men may not have a choice in what type of sin tempts him but he does have a choice in acting on that temptation. So, homosexuality is not about who someone is, but how someone behaves.


    3. How is working Sundays hypocritical? I assume you are referring to Sabbath. Sabbath begins at sunset Friday and ends at sunset Saturday.
      You attempt to make some grand statement claiming that marriage predates the Bible. You failed to discredit the Bible and the fact that God created marriage with your personal spin on the History Channels version of Biblical history. There is a clear account of the beginning of creation in the book of Genisis. Genisis tells us how God created EVERYTHING!!! Before creation, there were no civilizations to create a legal ownership of a woman.


    4. Boy I stirred up a lot wiht that one (lol) for those of you who think this is a true story such as the one who posted it on Facebook.

      Now – to address logical argumentative fallacy: you must first assume that there is a god over all creation and he created man and woman and therefore marriage. You also make the assumption that the Bible is the infallable word of god. However, in your same arguments you state that. However, you then later state that the Ten Commandments are not the word of god (as stated in the infallable Bible) and are just recommendations.

      Question 1 – Is the Bible the complete word of god or not?
      Question 2 – Marriage predates Judaism in several polytheistic religions throughout the world, including Mesopotamia, Egypt and Olmec societies. So how is that a Judeo-Christian value? Once again you use an assumptive position with no clarification or substantial arguments.
      Question 3 – Which version of the Genisis creation do you subscribe to? The first with the six days of creation (with man being created on the last day) or the version where man is created first and then the Earth created for him?
      Question 4 – Which set of commandments do you follow? The Deuteronomy and or Exodus versions, both of which give differing reasons for the sabbath?
      Question 5 – If you take the Judaic prescription of the Sabbath (sundown Friday unitl sundown Saturday) the players and fans are still breaking sabbatical law through their NCAA work as well as several of the NFL games played on Saturday. Unless, of course, you refer back to question one where god made that grammatical mistake on preserving the sabbath.
      Question 6 – If you can take the bible and alter it to fit your needs (What is the sabbath? Are women property? Can we eat pork?) then why does it become infallable when it revolves around gay marriage?
      Question 7 – Do we go back to Judaic marriage laws? In this, if I were to die my wife would become my brother’s wife (he is already married so now we throw in polygamy). If a woman is raped, she can be forced to marry her rapist if the father chooses. In fact, all marriages will be arranged by the parents (I don’t really mind that since I have a daughter in college). Once again this goes back to the fact that women were not considered people, but property and the marriage was just a transfer of property from one family to another. The reason the priests were even involved is because the Hellenistic Judeo world was a theocracy and they were the ones who kept property records.

      Finally – the History Channel may have some things right and others wrong, but I received my education in Theology while studying for my ordination. However, my beliefs did not stop making alterations in the Middle Ages. I believe that the Bible was written by man and his views on God, not by God in it’s entirety. As we progress, we learn and alter our lives and our faiths to the time we live in. If you want to follow a strict and literal view of the Bible, then epilepsy is caused by possession of demons, the stars are actually holes in the sky where you can see through to heaven, and the world ends at the Strait of Gibraltar.


  28. I understand that about 10% of our population is gay! I’m ok with that. About 90% of the population is straight and a large percentage of those are passive and just don’t care. My point is 60% percent of the viewers will or should be offended by forcing alternative lifestyle situation on the public just to persuade and agenda.
    The above is just a secular view.
    My strongest conviction personally is the disrespect shown to God, we are born in sin and should learn to overcome it, not squander in it.
    Depending on the products advertised, my reaction will be to move or remove products marketed from my stores and not to be generous or responsive to any advertisers. May even label products that I must keep as social degenerates.


      1. 2% Homosexual? That would make the other numbers proportionately larger. It’s insulting that I’ll have to find something else to do with my son, out of fear for him, so that he doesn’t assume that alternate life style is natural


          1. I don’t see debating on what is natural, because had homosexual genetics been a factor in natural breeding, the genetics would have become extinct several hundred years ago, by its nature of not reproducing.
            I’m not against homosexual experience, I’m familiar, and also believe that temptation or urges to satisfy our cravings are test thru life. To fail the test or to ignore your conscience as established through you developing years is the cause of long term weakness.
            I don’t want my son watching such on the tube in my presence because I don’t want to weaken his resistance to a sinful nature.


  29. I thought the super bowl was about football. If they are going to use their venue to shove the social agenda of queers down my throat, I have other shows I will be happy to watch.


  30. The Bible is our roadmap to life. Jesus hates sin. Sin of every kind but loves the sinner. This child of God will take a stand for what is right and will not support anything that is against Gods word. Christians shut off the garbage on your tv and honor your God. You must not have sexual relations with a man as you would a women. Leviticus 18:22


    1. Let me start of by saying that my personal viewpoint is that homosexual relationships are not something that God endorses. I feel that just like all sin, it is a byproduct of a broken world in which we live. For us to treat some sin as worse than others is a human reaction of categorizing sin. Before you say anything about “abominations” and the like, please understand that there are strong words in the Bible about many different sin. To split hairs between abominations and other descriptors is just silly.

      With all that being said…

      Have you ever tried to correct or point out something in someone from a position of hate? How well does it work? Wait I have another one. When did Jesus ever personally condemn someone from a position of hate? You know where “hate the sin, love the sinner” came from? Christians who wanted to justify their position of actually treating people poorly because of what they are doing.

      Jesus loved people and showed them in his interactions with them. Woman caught in adultery: go and sin no more. Zaccheus the tax collector: shared a meal with Jesus and was compelled to return more money than what he stole from people.

      We keep sin that we hate at arms distance…which means we keep the people doing the sin we hate at arms distance…please help me understand how that is loving them?

      Gay person walks into your Chuch…how are they treated? Heard plenty of stories of condemnation and poor treatment. The Bible speaks again lots of things we sweep under the rug…but this one….OOOOOHHHHHH this one is the one I take a stand against.

      Please stop using “hate the sin, love the sinner” you aren’t doing it right.


      1. Chris, Very well put I couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m so tired of all the so called Christians condemning anyone or anything they feel is wrong or ungodly. Like I said earlier on another post to each his or her own I try not to judge anyone because I am in no place to judge. Just as jesus said in John:8 “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” ( so that being said, there should not be anymore hateful comments as I’m sure none of us are sin free!!


  31. I want be watching the super bowl (Thanks NFL) There is to many liberals in this modern age America is not the same America I grew up in.


  32. This is seriously just very sad. I’m pretty sure we won’t be watching the half-time show and maybe even the game. By the way didn’t God create marriage between one Woman and one Man??


    1. I totally agree! Yes, gay people have the same amount of rights to live their lives like everybody else, but do they really have to make THIS big of a thing out of it? The Super Bowl is for enjoying football, good food, good music, and good friends, not watching somebody get married!


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