Category Archives: Agriculture

Senator Cynthia Villar: The ‘BOBOtization’ Of The Filipino

In her recent statement that Filipinos are “bobo” for importing chemical fertilizer, Senator Cynthia Villar seems to have conveniently forgotten her pivotal role in the Rice Tariffication Law, a piece of legislation that opened the floodgates for private trader- imported rice, crippling our own rice farmers. It’s almost comical to witness the audacity of a person who champions one form of importation while vilifying another.

One must marvel at the cognitive dissonance required to simultaneously condemn imported fertilizer and endorse imported rice, as if the interests of Filipino farmers can be selectively championed. Perhaps Sen. Villar has a keen sense of irony and has decided to master the art of the double standard. (And let us not forget that Villar is no fan of research!)

If only she could fertilize her memory with the knowledge of her own legislative history, perhaps she would refrain from labeling the very people she’s impacted with her own decisions as “bobo.” 

Alas, the satirical paradox prevails, and the hypocrisy of it all remains a bitter harvest for Filipino farmers.

Confirmed: Mar Roxas Offered A Position At Department Of Agriculture (Video)

by Melchor Vergara

MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) – After months of speculation, rumor, and indignation from pro- Administration bloggers, The Adobo Chronicles can now confirm that the Opposition’s Mar Roxas will join the administration via an appointment to the Marcos- led Department of Agriculture.

The deal was sealed during Marcos’ visit to Capiz in connection with the government’s rice distribution program. A secret meeting was held between Marcos and Roxas, culminating in the former DILG chief’s appointment as DA national director of warehousing and chief kargador.

We have a video of the two men saying their goodbye’s after their unprecedented meeting:

Marcos Signs New Land Reform Executive Order; Senator Cynthia Villar To Challenge It Before Supreme Court!

MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) – On the 51st anniversary of his father’s declaration of Martial Law, President Bongbong Marcos signed a groundbreaking executive order that will ensure the Philippines’ agricultural growth.

The E.O. includes the re-conversion of subdivisions and high-rise condominium lands into sprawling rice paddies. Marcos said his vision is to bring about permanent rice self-sufficiency for the country, eliminating the need to import the staple commodity.

As expected, Senator Cynthia Villar has expressed fierce opposition to the new order. She said she will file a Senate bill voiding the E.O. and challenge it before the Supreme Court to protect her family’s investment in Camella homes and other real-estate projects.

Villar, as a trader herself, is also not happy that Marcos wants to totally eliminate rice importations.

Both supporters and critics of Marcos support the move.  After all, who needs a roof over their head when they can have rice in their belly?