Category Archives: Agriculture

Japan: Tattooed People Need Not Apply!

TOKYO, Japan (The Adobo Chronicles, Tokyo Bureau) – Although tattoos are not outlawed in Japan, many sectors and individuals still frown on this age-old art form.

Case in point: A Japanese employment firm is seeking Filipino farmers, offering an attractive salary of P66,591 per month. However, the job announcement was crystal clear that tattooed people need not apply!

Adobo Chronicles questions:

Do tattoos contaminate agricultural crops, or do tattooed farmers produce less?

With Apple Stocks Down, Sen. Cynthia Villar Says PH Should Push For Mango And Banana Exports!

MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau ) – Senator Cynthia Villar, Chair of the Senate Committee on Food, Agriculture and Agrarian Reform today said this would be a good time for the Philippines to push for its exports of mangoes and bananas.

The real estate mogul and businesswoman made this statement after she learned that Apple has recorded a decline in sales three years in a row now.

She told The Adobo Chronicles she will immediately file a Senate bill that will provide more financial incentives to mango and banana producers and exporters. “My bill could greatly contribute to the continued decline in the country’s inflation rate,” she said.

Asked if she would be willing to convert some of her family real-estate properties into mango and banana-producing agri lands, the senator said, “No comment.”