Signs Of The Crooks

In the grand urban jungle, where government signs are mere decorations and commercial signs breed like rabbits, our cityscape is a chaotic canvas of ignored directives and visual pollution.

Local Government Units (LGUs), armed with their ever-vigilant inaction, watch as citizens breeze through stop signs with the nonchalance of a summer breeze. Meanwhile, the proliferation of advertisements transforms every available surface into a carnival of capitalism, as if public and private property were interchangeable concepts in a Monopoly game.

Rather than prioritize cleanliness campaigns—already lost battles against the armies of litter—the LGUs might consider enforcing existing rules. Imagine civic lessons where residents learn that stop signs are not optional suggestions and that not every lamppost needs to be festooned with ads.

Until then, our cities will remain a testament to the indomitable spirit of non-compliance and the unchecked enthusiasm of the advertising world.

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