SMNI Joins The Ranks Of Fake News Peddlers!

In an unsurprising twist, SMNI News, the now-defunct mouthpiece for Kingdom of Jesus Christ Pastor Apollo Quiboloy, has gone full Orwellian.

With its franchise revoked, one might think they’d adopt a shred of journalistic integrity. Instead, they’ve descended to new depths, joining the ranks of trolls and vloggers peddling fake news. Their latest fiasco? Broadcasting the Philippine Independence Day Parade in New York as a Maisug rally—an embarrassing blunder showcasing their commitment to disinformation.

SMNINot stopping there, they’ve conjured up a mythical wave of global netizen support for their beleaguered “appointed son of God,” clamoring for “justice for Quiboloy.” Forget the pressing matter of justice for his alleged victims. In this topsy-turvy world of SMNI, truth is stranger than fiction, and propaganda is par for the course. Shame indeed!

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