A U.S. Operation Worth Philippine Congress Investigation

Why should Philippine Congress waste its time on trivial matters like the PDEA leaks or the citizenship of a Tarlac mayor when there’s real international intrigue afoot?

Instead of these futile hearings, Congress should turn its attention to the recent revelation about the Trump-era Pentagon’s clandestine operation to spread anti-vaccine sentiments in the Philippines.

According to credible sources, a secretive campaign aimed to harm Chinese interests has specifically focused on the Philippines. Could this have cost thousands of Filipino lives during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Now, wouldn’t it be more productive to investigate what could be considered a crime against humanity?

Perhaps Congress should put aside its local squabbles and address issues with actual global impact. After all, determining the real damage caused by this operation might actually save lives in the future. So, Congress, how about focusing on something that really matters for a change?

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