Rappler, Vera Files Struggling For Relevance


In a tragicomic twist of fate, Rappler and Vera Files, once the knights of truth in the digital realm, now find themselves on the fringes of relevance, desperately grasping at straws to maintain their diminishing clout. Their descent from fact-checking glory to struggling for attention is a cautionary tale of the ever-changing landscape of online information.

As ordinary netizens armed with smartphones and social media savvy take the reins in combating disinformation, Rappler’s “community” platform emerges as a parody of its former self, inviting individuals to partake in the very spread of fake news it once fought against. Meanwhile, Vera Files, in a bid for relevance, shamelessly exploits political drama, capitalizing on the manufactured rift between political figures to drum up engagement.

In this era of digital enlightenment, where truth is often buried beneath layers of misinformation, the fall from grace of Rappler and Vera Files serves as a sobering reminder that even the mightiest guardians of truth can succumb to the seductive allure of clicks and likes.

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