imageLOS ANGELES, California ( The Adobo Chronicles) – He did it again. Rapper Kanye West reprised his most infamous stunt at Sunday night’s Grammy awards, taking the stage as Beck was accepting the album of the year award. West popped up on stage and moved toward Beck as if he was about to take the trophy from him. Instead, West turned away and quickly jumped down.

Beck beat out both the night’s top winner, Sam Smith, and the category’s expected winner, Beyoncé.

The incident was a repeat of the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, when West accosted Taylor Swift during her acceptance speech after Swift’s “You Belong With Me” beat Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” for Female Video of the Year.

“Yo, Taylor, I’m really happy for you, I’ma let you finish,” West said after taking the microphone at Radio City Music Hall, “but Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time! One of the best videos of all time!”

West was roundly criticized for his action and was even called a “jackass” by no less than President Obama.

After this latest incident, organizers of the major awards shows like the Grammys, MTV Video Music Awards, People’s Choice Awards and the Oscars have unanimously agreed to disinvite and bar West from their respective ceremonies. The television networks that air these awards programs also joined in the ‘West boycott.’

No more Kanye West on live TV! And Beyoncé just lost her most loyal cheerleader.


  1. It’s about time someone did something to let this arrogant jackass know that what he does is not ok. He may be a music genius (don’t know that from what I’ve heard of his music) but he’s rude, disrespectful, self-absorbed and not too good looking. And of all the real geniuses I know, none of them lack manners.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree all the way. I was wondering how he was able to o again as it was. He is a no talent bum who must know someone to be able to even be heard. I do not like his rap or whatever you call what he does. He has no class no class at all. Beck wrote, produced, plays several instruments and sang…..what can he or Beyoncé do? She does have a great voice, I do admit….but no where near the talent Beck has.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I came to this site just to see what all the bs was about in the news. Actually, I don’t watch any of the award shows because it is just a bunch of entertainers patting each other on the back. They do provide entertainment for those of us who work at productive jobs on a daily basis, but Hollywood and the music industry are wearing thin on me as to their self-appointed importance.


  3. This is really funny and SHOULD be true. But thanks for presenting it as if it WAS true … maybe some people will get the idea. KW appears to be a narcissistic fool who thinks everything has to center around HIM and his opinions. Most of it is just simple publicity stunts with no taste or respect. Just a cheap attention-getting device…. and it seems to be working.


    1. I think he is the one that married some ho that got famous for a sex tape. Or is he the one that his fans are so dumb that they thought he discovered Paul McCartney?


      1. oh gosh i didnt mean to incite aggression! i just meant to raise a point about the voting process for album of the year, as every single memeber of the recording academy casts a vote (artists, producers, engineering mixers, etc from all genres) therefore splitting votes, like a popularity contest, among similar genres and favoring the genre that doesnt have overlapping voter bases. beck had a wonderful album, but i thought kanye’s actions called attention to the voting process that sometimes overlooks more culturally influential albums of the year. and by culturally influential, i mean to highlight that beyonce’s release of her eponymous album was unprecendented, characterizing 2014 with the news shockwaves as well as the general quality of the release. and of course, it’s okay if we disagree.


      2. In a way the Billboard awards is the only show that kind of makes sense when it comes to award shows. Based on actual facts isn’t it? I mean correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it based on the top sellers of each category? Grammys and other shows like that are based upon a group of people’s opinions. It’s subjective. Artist that I actually like and listen to don’t even get nominated. Hell I didn’t even know Beck or Beyounce had an album out. So in a way it is a popularity contest because little indie records that in my opinion are way better never even have a chance. I think it’s all silly anyway. What I might think is the cats meow you might think is horse sh$t and vice versa. I do agree with one thing though….. Kanye is a jack ass. 🙂


    1. Beck wrote, produced and arranged all 13 songs on his winning album. He plays 16 instruments.

      Beyonce? She needed 16 songwriters, producers and composers to help her put together her last album.
      She plays NO instruments.

      Beck deserved to win!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. thank you for sharing that information and your opinion, i respect what you have to say. glad there can be a respectful discourse in which differences in opinions are okay.


    2. In a sort of idiot way he does, yes. Beck: Writes, produces, plays instruments, sings his own music, all 13 tracks on the album. Beyonce (who I love, don’t get me wrong): Sings and dances to other peoples’ stuff. 16 credited songwriters and producers on her album. Beck does it all himself. Bey can barely read music, plays no instruments, has other people write her stuff for her. She’s a wonderful voice in a pretty package, and there are awards for that, and she wins them. Beck is a multitalented musician, producer, composer, singer. He wins, no slight to Bey. And regardless of all of that, West is such a colossal, unprofessional, rude, dick, I wouldn’t want him in my corner if I were her.

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    3. Not really. Beyonce’s album was co-written with 20 other songwriters. Beck (who plays 12 instruments) wrote every note and lyric of every song on his Grammy winning album. If we are talking about true “artistry”, I think there is no question that Beck deserved the award far more than a performer whose success is largely attributable to other writers and musicians.

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  4. Not a joke if you are quoted after the ceremony’s saying this:
    “Beck needs to respect artistry, and he should have given his award to Beyoncé,”
    How many of Kanye’s awards (that he received from music in which he used auto tune) has he given to Beyonce? Just wondering.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Mmmh, jealousy is a baaad thing… they hate Bieber, they hate Drake, they hate Iggy, they hate Madge, they hate Jigga, and now the hate Kanye…looking at the above comments, I wonder who do these people actually like? mmmh jealousy is a baaaad baaad thing…mmmmhhhh. Hugs & Kisses


      1. ‘disturbing the show’, like someone has died…this time around his stint took less than 30 seconds… Where did humour go in this world? My bet: If someone like Johnny Depp or Eminem had done such a thing,even a comedian like Sacha Barin Cohen it wouldn’t really be a big deal…but Kanye No no noo….hugs


        1. You literally have made two immaterial comments in row. Kanye’s “joke” when pretending to go on stage has nothing to do with why he’s black listed from award ceremonies. It has to do with the ignorance and disrespect towards artists who have won awards that are NOT Beyonce’


          1. who talked about being black? that’s not my point, My point is certain peopel are allowed to be funny, and certain people are not allowed to be funny. Its an overly judgemental attitude that lacks any sense of humour. And my suspicious is behind it all is jealousy. My opinion..thats all 🙂 hugs xo


    1. If I were you I’d learn what words meant before trying to use them to debate a point. Jealousy and respect do not go hand in hand, in fact they have nothing to do with one another. No one is “jealous” of any of these second rate celebrities you’ve just listed, nor does anyone hate them. People have however grown tired of their disrespect and attention seeking antics. The point being, If you do have the respect to be a part of a ceremony where artists can come to celebrate one another “unbiasedly” then you do not belong amongst those that do.


      1. Sounds like a rule, but wait a minute, who set that rule? Wasn’t what Kanye did this time around a bit of a joke (last time around it was silly)? As i said, i don’t think if Johnny Depp or Sacha Baron Cohen did anything even remotely similar people would get so worked out by it…but Kanye, oh no, Kanye is not allowed to do anything out of order, even if its just for laughs…hugs xo


        1. Except it wasn’t a joke, was it? In his interviews after the show he made it clear that he believed Beck should have given Beyoncé his award. He even stated that he didn’t take over the microphone because he was concerned about how it would affect his daughter. Not once did he state it was a joke…


    2. Jealousy? Kanye is a self-serving asshole who thinks that his opinion matters more than anyone else’s. It has nothing to do with jealousy; it has to do with Kanye making an ass out of himself repeatedly because HIS choice for the award did not get chosen…again.


    3. I don’t like Kanye’s albums whatsoever. However that is not the reason soooo many people including myself dislike him. He’s a rude, moronic, disrespecting, narcissistic, poor excuse for a human being. I could care less about how good or bad his albums are, he’s still an all around shitty person who’s too full of himself and blinded by his delusions of grandeur. Even his own fans of his music/singing/rapping are beginning to have a distaste for him because his ego overshadows any possible musical talent he may or may not have/had.


  6. I hope there’s some truth to this. But then again, what was it that lindsey lohan use to say? “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” so while many beck fans and people with common decency wouldn’t think about watching any future award show with kanye attending, there’ll be double the attendance in media and press for the awards show in hopes of a kanye flip up. thus introducing a whole new group of people to these music award events.


  7. I personally think he is an ass much! As is his wife and so with that being said…. they make the PERFECT couple. I really hope they follow through with this, because I am sick of seeing his mug on TV!!


  8. I hope this is true & all award shows will follow thru’. Kanye has no class & his wealth won’t help.You “Can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” He’s totally narcisstic and he thinks the world revolves around him and what he has to say. He trashed Beck backstage, saying Beyonce deserved to win & it wasn’t a joke as some thought when he did it. He even insisted on Kim wearing the gaudy “bathrobe” which further discredited his taste. His ego & self importance is insulting and so tiresome. Hope he won’t be trashing up any more award shows. His 15 minutes were up a long time ago. Tired of Kim’s preening and posing too. Superficial and over exposed. Enough! No wonder Beyonce never wanted to socialize with them. She does have class.


  9. Reblogged this on An Author's Blog and commented:
    Seeing this — it makes what I did on the HWA boards and the reason I was barred from the HWA was petty compared to this. But from the rest of my state — I apologize you have to put up with Kanye West as he’s of my generation and I am shocked he pulled this at the Grammy’s!. It wasn’t funny with the MTV Music Awards — if he did this with the Metal catalogy when God Forbid won the award instead of Jack Black; he would been getting his ass kicked by the lead singer as he’s African American. I wonder what would happen if a barred writer wins The Stoker Award and exposing the controversy that Stoker Award winners in recent history had caused as I was calling for Brian Keene’s Stokers to be stripped over the lie he told CreateSpace.com. I wonder what Kim K would think of her husband’s fuckup. The HWA was pissed I was recommended twice for a Stoker in 2005-2006; for best longer story with a sequel story and with an anthology. So Ramsey Campbell if you’re wondering what would it been like if I won I would had encouraged the masses to chant “Tabloid Purposes” as Tabloid Purposes II I brought a gutteral chant along with it like Jerry Springer and Steve Wilkos has one.      Well Kayne you can always join up with Lulu.com as you can be an asshole on there — as they will not allow me to speak up for my work. The whole thing with Lulu.com was fucked up because they banned me on a lie; and they’re hunting for publishers who use Lulu.com who publish me because they know when I submit to an anthology and they use Lulu.com will be bar them for publish me? So seeing this — is this what the HWA is afraid of when they see me storming the stage and beating up Brian Keene for saying what he said of my sister and burning one of Mary Sangiovanni’s work because she did sleep her way to the top?


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