imageNew York, NY – Sunday night at the Grammys, Queen Latifah officiated the marriage of 34 couples – including same-sex couples – during the performance of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ Grammy-nominated song, “Same love.”

But the story gets better.

During the half-time show at next Sunday’s Super Bowl, Bruno Mars will officiate a same-sex marriage ceremony while performing one of his earlier hit songs, “Marry You.”

Although the identities of the same-sex couple have not been revealed, there is widespread speculation that one of the partners is a gay NFL player.

In the past months, plans by NFL to announce the coming out of several gay NFL players have all but fizzled out. But it appears that this is now the real thing.  What a way to do it- at the Super Bowl nonetheless.

Who cares about the Seahawks and Broncos? Football fans (and non-fans) are more interested in this year’s Super Bowl half-time revelation.


  1. So many people arguing about something that wasn’t true from the start. 🙂

    THE ADOBO CHRONICLES is your source of up-to-date, unbelievable news. Everything you read on this site is based on fact, except for the lies.


  2. Y’all ought to be ashamed that you falsely reported (probably with no evidence) that sodomite marriages would be performed at the Super Bowl half time show. Such lies are not journalism and are not worthy of a website. I will never look at your site or trust you for the truth again.


  3. Maybe for next years show a mass gay orgy? Or maybe Billie Jean King sodomizing the president. How Nasty!!!! America is doomed for her stupidy and acceptance of unrighteousness!


    1. I like your style, bro. It is also weird that NFL is getting mixed up in that crap. Anyway, Jesus would make everything so much better.




    2. Maybe because not everyone believes in the same god. The United States is open to many religions just because yours doesn’t believe in gay rights doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t believe in them. Everyone shouldn’t be forced to live by the same religion and if you think they should maybe you should go to a country that agrees with you.


  4. Sad, so sad..Im sure GOD is shaking his head. ..Praying for those, who choose that lifestyle…..God have mercy on souls.


  5. There are those people who truly believe they belong together has a same-sex married couple and I use those terms loosely there is no such principle of a gay marriage give me an partnership you can be in a relationship you can be in whatever you want to be too cannot be married the marriage institution was formed by God for a man and a woman not a man and a man I’m not a woman and a woman in the whole premise was this so that they could procreate they cannot procreate by being the same sex some of you will use this logic that with modern science that at least a female can give birth to children and the men can adopt them anyways and almost sexual atmosphere environment this is still not a marriage this is a partnership this is a co-equal relationship but it is not a marriage, I would dare say that if any Christian male-female couple wanted to have a wedding ceremony at Super Bowl 2014 they probably would say no sorry give them all kinds of excuses and reasons why they couldn’t work cause them to pay a fortune for that kind of publicity and whatever else comes along with that I wonder if this gay couple will have to put up an expense for this wedding or if it will be pro bono or if someone else is being charged for this event. I have worked with gay people my whole life is but a couple in my stepfamily who are also gay or were there no longer with us due to age I don’t understand the mentality I appreciate the fact that they are human beings and I care about them as people I don’t have to advocate or propagate or endorse what they choose to do
    People seriously need to quit trying to tell others how to act how to behave what to do but not to do who to believe or not to believe and by all means quit telling me that I believe in a fake God who has a fake promise who makes me jerks me around tells me to do ABC XYZ you don’t know the first thing about religion it on the first thing about a relationship with Jesus Christ and you certainly do not have the right to tell me an intelligent human being how when where what who I should believe or worship or raise my children to believe it is none of your business


  6. American values has sunk to an all time low. This country has gone to hell in a hand basket. I’m not watching this freak show. Keep your lifestyle to yourself. If this was a halftime show about God all hell would break loose. The hell with this fucking shit! Fuck you do this shit in private. Who the fuck wants to watch this? First of all the half time show is suppose to be entertaining not repulsive.


    1. Love your post. I will be at church anyway and have no use for the super bowl. God is very real and this is an abomination. They don’t want to hear about my Lord and Savior, I sure don’t want to be forced into accepting something that is totally anti-God. I don’t watch the grammy’s either. This is to Callen. And Rehdogg, While I applaud your thoughts as far as values that is great but your language is also not an American value. I know everyone has the right to free speech but we as Christians don’t want to watch gay marriages nor do we want to hear or see foul language. But yes, you are correct, they don’t want to hear about God. Amen peachezz. And TJ I have gay friends and family. They know that I believe that it is a stink in the nostrils of God. It is not about Bible thumpers or anyone else. It is about God saying this is an abomination and a stink. You cannot be a preacher or Christian and condone homosexuality. And studying for the ministry then you read in God’s word that this is wrong and two cities were destroyed because of this sin. God bless you all and keep you. My gay friends and family know that I love them but I don’t condone their sin and pray for them to turn from this wicked way.


        1. Please remove me from the Bruno commentary.
          I was under the impression there was a link onscreen to accomplish this task
          I even thought I saw one before this process began.
          Remove me, please.


  7. This is a disgrace! What is this nation coming to! God created man women and anything else is not of him! I’m I judging? No,because his word is the one that’s judging! U all are nasty and disgusting! You stink in his nostrils and u stink to me period!!!! Read it for yo self! Those are his words and I’m standing by my God!! This so called Queen latifa u can’t be a queen unless u have a king! Change yo name funny because u nasty!!


  8. NOTICE: We believe in freedom of speech and welcome all comments and opposing views. The comment section of this site is unmoderated but we reserve the right to delete comments that use foul or violent language.


  9. I do not know why gay people run around announcing the fact that they are gay. Keep it to yourself, no one cares. I have not taken an ad in the paper announcing the fact that I am straight. Everybody get over it. Be who you are and leave me alone.


  10. It’s simple, for everyone who is wanting to throw out the bible thumper card and for those who want to throw out the sin card… Stop, I have friends who are gay; I went to church for the longest time and was at one point going to become a pastor, I say this to show that I kinda know both sides, if you are gay ok; but don’t expect a Christian pastor to marry you… If Bruno Mars is going to officiate your wedding cool… But you can’t be on the gay side and say “keep your religion to yourself” and then expect them to marry you…?:/ that totally makes sense there. Now for the judging ones… Do you not realize that you are hurting your cause and only making people not want to ever come to church any more… As The Lord says in His word no sin is greater than any other… If a man commits murder and repents whole heartedly he shall recieve the glory of the kingdom, but if a man tells a lie and doesn’t he shall fall short from the glory of God. Sin is sin judging is sin.


    1. Judging someone’s salvation is sin. Judging someone’s actions is recommended by God. He says you can judge a tree by the fruit it bears, u as well as I know he’s not talking about trees. With that said u better be a better judge about the sin in your life then the sin of people around you. Our society has made sin mainstream for quite sometime this is just another step in the wrong direction and even more evidence of us falling away from God. God Bless.


    2. Omgosh!!!! Finally someone has said it!!!” If I could I would give you the BIGGEST hug!!!! I totally agree with you…..just because we are Christian doesn’t give us the right to judge everyone and condemn them all to hell….God is the ONLY law giver and JUDGE!


  11. For the lovely Godisn’treal person, you sure have a lot of time on your hands, I can see that you obviously don’t believe in God, but do you believe in a job? You sure have a comment for everybody who has said something against your liking in a pretty timely manner. lt doesn’t matter what you say because in the end we will all die and when we do, we will answer to the Almighty God for all that we have done. Sin is sin no matter how well dressed it is. Our bodies were designed to have intercourse heterosexually, not homosexually. I pray that one day you will open your heart to receive Christ as your savior because its more important to me that your soul is saved. All eternity is a long time to be anywhere but in heaven and I don’t wish anyone to go to hell.


  12. Im changing the channel when this crap happens and furthermore i want ppl to know that there are still parents out there that are teaching their kids morals….. my children know the gay way is innappropriate and wrong no matter what anybody attempts to preach about how being gay is okay.


    1. What an ignorant dick sucker. You’re teaching your kids morals? What morals are those? That anyone who is different than you isn’t human and that you have the right to discriminate against them because your fake God says it’s ok? How I wish that your fake God would tell you and people like you to jump off a fucking bridge. The world would be so much better off without your kind.

      Hey, knucke dragger, take a look at the article. Did you miss something? This is fucking satire! Why don’t you learn how to read. Go ahead and learn proper English and grammar while you’re at it too. Not only are you profoundly ignorant but profoundly stupid. Imagine that. An ignorant bible beating bigot who’s stupid. Yeah that’s never happened.


      1. Notice how she politely disagrees by changing the channel and teaches her OWN kids what she believes. Meanwhile you have to chastise her for saying what she believes. Who is intolerant of other people beliefs?

        Ray, other are with you. Even if it is satire.


      2. Yeah, when your burning in hell you’ll know then that God IS real!!! Sick of fags being shoved down our throats. Wonder what would happen if a Christian couple wanted to get married at halftime???????????????? God hates the sin, not the sinner. And calling someone ignorant and stupid because they have an opinion you don’t agree with, wow, your a class act. Why don’t you go jump off a bridge, you’ll find out real quick who God is.


      3. Im always amazed at people who accuse others if the same hypocrisy they are guilty of. Your whole rant is bigoted and full of ignorant venom. I dont believe in Santa Claus, but I dont spend all my time calling him fake or ripping the kids who do. Do us all a favor, calm down, take a breath, and keep your hate to yourself!


      4. If u disagree with someone it doesn’t mean you hate or fear them at all it just means u disagree with them. It’s the same response every time if u disagree with homosexuality u automatically hate and fear them, that my friends is a joke. I wonder if they hate and fear everyone they disagree with, if that’s the case then they probably hate everyone. Love is the key here people.


  13. Queen Latifa can marry men together? Now you boys get there and watch your role models.Everyone knows that football fans are all closet homosexuals anyway.You know you love it! You love the tight pants and sweaty men! Now your dreams come true! You know you want to be gay.Stop being jealous! Take the plunge!


      1. How have 2 people who love each other … NOT YOU ….HURT YOU PHYSICALLY????? Don’t quote that bible CRAP……. fairy tales like Tricks …are for KIDS


  14. If you want insight into wholesome homosexuality, tune into HBO’s new show, “Looking.”
    It smachs of the true homosexual society which has no kinship with monogamy or the

    To assess wholesome homosexuality, view HBO’s “Looking.” It is an accurate slice of the homosexual world which spurns monogamy.

    While we’re at it, AIDS emerged from the homosexuals’ crucible of disease-riddled immunities. That Death toll is nearing 50 million and we still pretend it’s just one of those things.
    One last something to think about. AIDS eventually completed the crossover from lower primates when it found a sufficiently depleted immuno system to overcome its array of dilapidated antibodies. Doing so, AIDS also developed an astonishing ability to mutate as a part of its natural urge to survive and thrive.
    Thus, it continues to mutate ahead of American Medicine which is already beset by the Progressive Marxists intent upon the murder of this last noble profession.
    If you get it, ask your lawyer to cure you.


    1. Yet you who comment negatively on homosexuality watch it …. all you have to do is turn the dial off…your choice…. these closet homosexuals ..are a real pain.


      1. You really need to get a clue. Calling someone a closet homosexual simply because they disagree with homosexuality would be like me calling you a closet pedophile because you disagree with that. You DO disagree with sexually abusing children right?


  15. Yes I can agree that some people “hate” gays but just because someone doesn’t believe in gay marriage or gays doesn’t mean they hate gays.. I don’t like my pill popping mother in law’s ways either but I still love her.. The idea that you can’t disagree with someone’s beliefs without hating them is a very weak argument on pro gay peoples part.. Being gay is wrong and that will never change no matter how many celebrities embrace it, no matter how many news outlets promote it, no matter how you try to justify it.. The NFL denied a Daniel defense commercial but yet they will get on board with this sin. I am sickened and torn about even watching the game Sunday…. I will definitely turn the channel when half time comes at the very least.. Gay community feel free to comment and tell how I’m so insensitive or how I’m homophobic… I still love everybody but your ways are sin. NFL don’t give into public pressure… Stand for something or just let anything go but your making a choice oneway or the other.


    1. WELL SAID!! I love ALL people, gay or straight… But, I’m FLABBERGASTED as to how EASILY we are allowing SIN to INVADE & OVERCOME us & our lives!! AND the lives of our BABIES!!
      Ya gotta STAND for SOMETHING, peeps… Or you’ll FALL for ANYTHING -as we as a society are doing a LOT more of these days… “OUT w/ God… IN comes SATAN”… Kinda DISGUSTING and WEAK if you ask me (I know you didn’t but, there’s MY “two cents” anyways;))
      PEACE YA’LL!!


      1. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE …. A men my ….. you know what . Stop your ridiculous preaching……. its not amusing and you and all your cronies better start planning a trip to Mars or Venus or some other star …because … the world is leaving you behind. I never thought I would see that gay marriage ban would be overturned in Virginia ….but …… its going down that way …. and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. So all you bible (fairytale) thumping nuts …….. need to pause to reflect. You can descent but stop your HATE in your positions.


    2. I agree. I have Gay, and Lesbian co workers, school friends, etc who I’m really cool with actually but do I still believe that same sex relationships are a sin….YES. I don’t even mind Gay and Lesbians adopting kids because there are too many kids left to be raised in orphanages who need and deserve a good loving home. I’m not a fan of these officiated LGBT marriages on TV. Do what you want to do on your own time but doing this at the Half-Time Superbowl show is Ludacris especially with so many kids watching. First a boob pops out, now we’re doing gay marriage at the half-time show, what’s next!!


  16. I agree …not real. But seriously, if it were? Why do you need big flashy parades, over the top advertising of what you do or don’t do? Come on. It is not for me to decide what anyone does or how they choose to live. I am not your judge. I will only have to answer for myself daily and in the end. I love and care about everyone. My view of right or wrong aren’t yours or yours mine. Just stop pushing your ideas on me and I will not push mine on you.


    1. Gay pride parades originated in San Francisco as it was the first accepting American city to not only accept its gay community but to embrace and accept them as the upstanding citizens that they are. If you had spent YOUR entire life being oppressed you’d probably be loud, proud and excited to finally be yourself.

      Also, if you think the Christian agenda isn’t pushed onto society then you must be on drugs. Example: gay marriage. If Christian agenda isn’t pushed then why is gay marriage illegal in over half of the country? Because Christians believe that because they believe in a fairy tale that every other person should believe in the same fairy tale regardless of reason or logic.

      The reason Christians are becoming militant and more vocal is because America is becoming more and more secular and more and more people are spurning religion for reality.


      1. People who live a Christian life are oppressed in many parts of the world including parts of America. Forcing Christians to condone the gay lifestyle is like forcing a vegan or someone who believes in Hinduism to eat a rare steak. That is all these people are trying to say. God Isnt Real you need to keep it real. Stop being intolerant and and a bigot.


    2. For the person with gay and lesbian “friends”. I bet if they knew how you feel about them, they’d find other friends ……. or redefine YOU as an acquaintance … an old acquaintance.


  17. This is the worst thing to ever happen to this nation is homo marrige. Every nation that has adopted gays over time have been destroyed and God won’t hold nothing back on the U. S.

    An plus I don’t wanna see gays on in or anything close to the Super Bowl that’s just stupid.


    1. Attention Ignorant Bigot:
      Marriage isn’t about religion, atheists marry.
      Marriage isn’t about pro-creation, the infertile marry.
      Marriage isn’t about finance, it can weave poverty.

      And NOTHING about same-sex marriage harms you in any way. Did your religion teach you to hate, or did you get that from your parents?


      1. No, nothing taught us to hate. The though of a man sodomizing another man is disgusting. It is an embarrasment to parents and opens the door for people to marry their children, marry animals and all sorts of other sick deviant acts.
        You have to draw a line somewhere.
        If you have a son, picture him being sodomized by another man and tell me that it doesn’t leave you feeling disgusted. Why? Because it is sick and disgusting and is deviant behavior.


        1. What’s disgusting is another person thinking they have the right to tell another person how to live their life. Also sounds like you’ve been thinking about that anal sex thing a liiiiiiitttle too much. You probably wank yourself to thoughts of Elton John while your wife sleeps in the other room.

          What a disgusting excuse for a human being you are. You’re nothing but a meat sack. Hate to tell you but when you die you won’t exist, there isn’t a God or a heaven and your lifetime of hate towards people you don’t even know will just leave a legacy of you being a total fucking tool.

          Sucks to be you, sucka.


      2. Attention pitiful one. Marriage is biblical. Between one man and one women. If you believe other wise you most likely burn in hell for all eternity. I fill sorry for you.


        1. Between one women? Women is plural, Fucktard.
          So which is it? Biblical between one WOMAN (that means a singular woman oh special one) or multiple women (that means more than one).

          Also LOL at that while bible thing. What the biggest joke in the history of the planet.


        2. I feel sorry for you. Mainly because you think fill and feel are the same word. Also because you had a total Freudian slip. I know what you wanna be filled with and it ain’t the Holy Spirit.


      3. Moron whether you want to believe it or not it has nothing to do with hate. My GOD THE CREATER OF THIS UNIVERSE AND YOUR CREATOR BY THE WAY SAID HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN.


        1. Only in your eyes. I feel sorry for all you. Hate like this have fueled wars and atrocities in the name of God… Pretty sure he/ she doesn’t need our help with deciding what is right or wrong.

          Learn some tolerance.


      4. Actually marriage is a religious term defined as being between a man and a woman so know ur facts beforw you run your mouth!!!! If gays wanna be together then go ahead i have no problem with it but to say that marriagecan be anything but between a man and woman is just ignorant and shows your lack of education.


        1. The only thing that shows lack of education is your poor spelling, grammar, diction and just plain lack of knowledge about the world. Because only Christians get married, right?

          Also, what about kind Solomon? He had hundreds of wives and concubines. Don’t hear anyone bitching about him. Or about people practicing polygamy in general.


          1. Check yourself before you chastise someone about spelling, “kind Solomon?????” Did you mean King Solomon??? What do you know about that anyway since you don’t believe in the Bible or God? Hell will be a little hotter for you.


    2. Yeah cause Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, 9/11, Desert Storm, Vietnam, Korea, WWII, Pearl Harbor, the depression, WWI, Spanish-American War, the Civil War, War of 1812 and the Revolutionary War all were really horrible but not nearly as horrible as two consenting adults in love committing their lives together.


  18. Football has nothing to do with marriage…I just want to watch the game! Keep your politics to yourself. Can we please something unstained?


  19. Just another step closer to a 3rd world status. This once great country of ours is being pulverized by a minority of loud mouth freaks that think they know what’s best for the majority. “Let’s stomp on the Constitution; Let’s make friends with our allies enemies( who by he way want to see Americans DIE) Let’s give all of our jobs to”……. Well, not to Americans, “let’s allow the the modern immigrant who came from poverty and do not yet understand what made America great vote in our 3rd world president.” Why because they are SETTLING. There voice is big and they don’t get it. “Let’s crap on GOD.” Even for a non- believer they understand that our country founded under GOD meant morality, fairness, strength, sense of right and wrong, decency and much more. “Oh and hey…..then we can let our children watch two dads or two moms kiss at halftime of what was once an American institution.”
    I appreciate all of you who are decent Americans, and no matter if you believe or not I pray for your protection, prosperity and salvation. ( I have recently became a believer for the sake of those i am responsible for. I see the truth now and I am comforted in the midst of my frustration of knowing America is just another country.


    1. Attention Ignorant Bigot:

      Marriage isn’t about religion, atheists marry.
      Marriage isn’t about pro-creation, the infertile marry.
      Marriage isn’t about finance, it can weave poverty.

      And NOTHING about same-sex marriage harms you in any way. Did your religion teach you to hate, or did you get that from your parents?


    2. Things that are also sin. Please stop immediately. God spoke to me directly, James and told me if you don’t stop doing these things NOW that you’ll go to hell and satan will ass rape you until the end of eternity.

      Here’s chapter and verse on a more-or-less comprehensive list of things banned in the Leviticus book of the bible. A decent number of them are punishable by death.
      Unless you’ve never done any of them (and 54 to 56 are particularly tricky), perhaps it’s time to lay off quoting 18:22 for a while?
      1. Burning any yeast or honey in offerings to God (2:11)
      2. Failing to include salt in offerings to God (2:13)
      3. Eating fat (3:17)
      4. Eating blood (3:17)
      5. Failing to testify against any wrongdoing you’ve witnessed (5:1)
      6. Failing to testify against any wrongdoing you’ve been told about (5:1)
      7. Touching an unclean animal (5:2)
      8. Carelessly making an oath (5:4)
      9. Deceiving a neighbour about something trusted to them (6:2)
      10. Finding lost property and lying about it (6:3)
      11. Bringing unauthorised fire before God (10:1)
      12. Letting your hair become unkempt (10:6)
      13. Tearing your clothes (10:6)
      14. Drinking alcohol in holy places (bit of a problem for Catholics, this ‘un) (10:9)
      15. Eating an animal which doesn’t both chew cud and has a divided hoof (cf: camel, rabbit, pig) (11:4-7)
      16. Touching the carcass of any of the above (problems here for rugby) (11:8)
      17. Eating – or touching the carcass of – any seafood without fins or scales (11:10-12)
      18. Eating – or touching the carcass of – eagle, the vulture, the black vulture, the red kite, any kind of black kite, any kind of raven, the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat. (11:13-19)
      19. Eating – or touching the carcass of – flying insects with four legs, unless those legs are jointed (11:20-22)
      20. Eating any animal which walks on all four and has paws (good news for cats) (11:27)
      21. Eating – or touching the carcass of – the weasel, the rat, any kind of great lizard, the gecko, the monitor lizard, the wall lizard, the skink and the chameleon (11:29)
      22. Eating – or touching the carcass of – any creature which crawls on many legs, or its belly (11:41-42)
      23. Going to church within 33 days after giving birth to a boy (12:4)
      24. Going to church within 66 days after giving birth to a girl (12:5)
      25. Having sex with your mother (18:7)
      26. Having sex with your father’s wife (18:8)
      27. Having sex with your sister (18:9)
      28. Having sex with your granddaughter (18:10)
      29. Having sex with your half-sister (18:11)
      30. Having sex with your biological aunt (18:12-13)
      31. Having sex with your uncle’s wife (18:14)
      32. Having sex with your daughter-in-law (18:15)
      33. Having sex with your sister-in-law (18:16)
      34. Having sex with a woman and also having sex with her daughter or granddaughter (bad news for Alan Clark) (18:17)
      35. Marrying your wife’s sister while your wife still lives (18:18)
      36. Having sex with a woman during her period (18:19)
      37. Having sex with your neighbour’s wife (18:20)
      38. Giving your children to be sacrificed to Molek (18:21)
      39. Having sex with a man “as one does with a woman” (18:22)
      40. Having sex with an animal (18:23)
      41. Making idols or “metal gods” (19:4)
      42. Reaping to the very edges of a field (19:9)
      43. Picking up grapes that have fallen in your vineyard (19:10)
      44. Stealing (19:11)
      45. Lying (19:11)
      46. Swearing falsely on God’s name (19:12)
      47. Defrauding your neighbour (19:13)
      48. Holding back the wages of an employee overnight (not well observed these days) (19:13)
      49. Cursing the deaf or abusing the blind (19:14)
      50. Perverting justice, showing partiality to either the poor or the rich (19:15)
      51. Spreading slander (19:16)
      52. Doing anything to endanger a neighbour’s life (19:16)
      53. Seeking revenge or bearing a grudge (19:18)
      54. Mixing fabrics in clothing (19:19)
      55. Cross-breeding animals (19:19)
      56. Planting different seeds in the same field (19:19)
      57. Sleeping with another man’s slave (19:20)
      58. Eating fruit from a tree within four years of planting it (19:23)
      59. Practising divination or seeking omens (tut, tut astrology) (19:26)
      60. Trimming your beard (19:27)
      61. Cutting your hair at the sides (19:27)
      62. Getting tattoos (19:28)
      63. Making your daughter prostitute herself (19:29)
      64. Turning to mediums or spiritualists (19:31)
      65. Not standing in the presence of the elderly (19:32)
      66. Mistreating foreigners – “the foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born” (19:33-34)
      67. Using dishonest weights and scales (19:35-36)
      68. Cursing your father or mother (punishable by death) (20:9)
      69. Marrying a prostitute, divorcee or widow if you are a priest (21:7,13)
      70. Entering a place where there’s a dead body as a priest (21:11)
      71. Slaughtering a cow/sheep and its young on the same day (22:28)
      72. Working on the Sabbath (23:3)
      73. Blasphemy (punishable by stoning to death) (24:14)
      74. Inflicting an injury; killing someone else’s animal; killing a person must be punished in kind (24:17-22)
      75. Selling land permanently (25:23)
      76. Selling an Israelite as a slave (foreigners are fine) (25:42)


    1. There is no reason for a gay marriage during the Super Bowl . Need to have a preacher there getting people saved. Phil is right. The Bible never changes. Peole do and that still doesn’t make it right. Our country is imploding. Our moral standards are being destroyed.


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