Of Sour-graping Turncoats (Video)

In the ever-entertaining circus of political chameleons, Trixie Cruz-Angeles dazzles us once again.

Once, her vlogs overflowed with paeans to Bongbong Marcos, portraying him as a messianic figure poised to lead the Philippines into a golden age. Her zeal earned her a coveted seat as presidential press secretary, a position she treated like a YouTube comment section: ephemeral and fraught with drama.

But alas, the palace door hit her on the way out, and now she’s found a new banner to wave. As a freshly minted member of the pro-Duterte, anti-Marcos Maisug brigade, Trixie now cries of “excesses and abuses” with the same fervor she once reserved for Marcos fanfare.

Declaring VP Inday Sara the anointed leader, she clings to principles as firmly as a leaf in a hurricane. It’s a spectacular display of loyalty—loyalty to self-interest, that is. How thrillingly predictable!

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