Raissa Robles Needs To Retake Her Civics Lessons

Ah, the grand spectacle of self-proclaimed investigative writers and failed book authors, like the illustrious Raissa Robles, who seem to miss basic civic lessons.

One would think that friendship between First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos and Senate President Chiz Escudero signals the end of democracy as we know it. How dare they socialize like ordinary humans! The horror! Never mind that Liza isn’t the president—her husband, Bongbong Marcos, holds that title. But who needs trivial details when you’re crafting a scandal?

Clearly, Raissa and her ilk must believe that friendships are the Trojan horses of political corruption. If only they retook those civics classes they slept through, they might remember that the independence of government branches isn’t nullified by a dinner date. But then, who needs facts when paranoia is far more lucrative?

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