Supermoon sighting in Mexico
Supermoon sighting in Mexico

GUADALAJARA, Mexico (The Adobo Chronicles® ) –  From California to Vermont, Americans were treated Sunday to a once-in-a-blue-moon natural phenomenon : a lunar exclipse featuring a super, blood-red moon.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were immediately filled with moon photos taken by proud netizens —  photos that will remain on the Internet in perpetuity.

But south of the U.S. border, Mexicans were reporting a different heavenly sighting — that of an image of Donald Trump smacked in the center of the super moon.

Was this a sign from God, or a billionaire’s manipulation of nature?

We are investigating reports that Trump paid big bucks to have his image projected on the moon through laser technology, as a way to re-ignite his war on Mexicans and immigrants.

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