Category Archives: weather

Mother Nature Rains Down On Maisug Rally!

In a stunning display of cosmic irony, Mother Nature decided to take a firm stand against the wild conspiracy theories peddled by Duterte supporters about the cancelled Maisug Prayer Rally in Tacloban City. Allegations ranged from flight cancellations and fare hikes to a total airport shutdown, all purportedly orchestrated by the Marcos administration to silence the people’s right to protest.

But then, as if answering the prayers of Filipinos suffering from relentless heat, a torrential downpour drenched not just Tacloban but the entire country, providing a much-needed reprieve.

One wonders if Atty. Glenn Chong will now claim that First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos ordered emergency cloud-seeding to sabotage the rally. If only manipulating the weather were that easy! The rain, a divine intervention to cool tempers and temperatures alike, seems a more plausible culprit than any political machination. Mother Nature, it appears, always has the final say.