Rainbow-colored pedestrian crosswalk on Santa Monica and San Vicente Boulevards in West Hollywood
Rainbow-colored pedestrian crosswalk on Santa Monica and San Vicente Boulevards in West Hollywood

West Hollywood, California (The Adobo Chronicles) – In just the last 15 months, four pedestrians crossing the streets of West Hollywood have reportedly been killed — all of whom were hit by motorists.

In addition to the deaths, several people have been injured, including a man hit by a car early Tuesday just steps away from popular gay establishments like the Abbey and P.U.M.P. Lounge.  He is the third persons hit by a car on Santa Monica Boulevard since June this year.

West Hollywood Police investigating the rising number of pedestrian accidents said that all cases seem to point to road rage and that all perpetrators were homophobic drivers.

One of the perpetrators, a West Hollywood resident,  told police he is outraged at the shameless display of homosexuality in his neighborhood, particularly the painting of crosswalks in rainbow colors. “Not all of us who live in West Hollywood are homosexual,” the man said,” so why do they have to flaunt their gay-ness when it does not represent all of us in the neighborhood?”

Crosswalks in San Francisco’s gay Castro district are also scheduled to be painted in rainbow colors and residents are weary that it could lead to hate-related pedestrian accidents similar to those in  West Hollywood.


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