Adobo Chronicles’ Exclusive Interview With Maria Ressa

MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) – Many see it as a colossal blunder for this once-upon-a-time Person of the Year.  Yes, we’re talking about that 11 Million gaffe which has put Maria Ressa on the receiving end of the ire and ridicule of the Filipino nation.

So, in the interest of fair coverage, The Adobo Chronicles sat down with Ressa to get her side of the ABC Australia’s fake news, courtesy of the Rappler CEO and ex-employee of ABS-CBN.

AC: How’s it going since that infamous ABC interview aired?

Ressa: I’ve been on the receiving end of hate mail, threats to my life — and virginity — and all sorts of out-of-this-world expletives one can ever imagine.

AC: Your critics call you a fake news monger.  What do you say to them?

Ressa: The only thing fake about me are my truthfulness, activism, and integrity.

AC: You issued a Twitter apology to ABC News Australia, to ‘The World’ host Beverley O’Connor, and ABS-CBN regarding your 11 Million employees gaffe, saying, and we quote: “My mind raced ahead to market cap when I was there, which was in hundreds of millions of dollars.” Do you mind elaborating?

Ressa: Advanced lang ako mag-isip.

(end of interview)


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